MAPS Board of Education

Manistee Area Public Schools

23g MI Kids Back-on-Track
If you would like to request additional information about our programs or services please contact:
Amber Kowatch, Curriculum Director and 23g Project Manager
Program Details: LINK
Budget Plan: LINK
35j Targeted Literacy Plan and Curriculum and Assessment Disclosure
If you would like to request additional information about our programs or services please contact:
Amber Kowatch, Curriculum Director 
Plan Details: LINK


Budget/Compensation Transparency Reporting 

Manistee Area Public Schools

Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.


Section 1 - Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Budget Revisions
Section 2 - District and Personnel Expenditures
Section 4 - Audited Financial Statements

Each year the Manistee Area Public Schools is required to hire an independent auditor to complete a comprehensive audit which evaluates and reports on the financial condition of the district. The audit includes a thorough analysis of all business operations as well as a compliance review for the requirements of the many programs we operate.

Financial Statements & Audit Report 2023-24

Section 5 - Employee Compensation Information

Position and Salary Information

All employees of the Manistee Area Public Schools are categorized by classification of position held. All classifications are established according to demands of the position, level of responsibility, job functions performed, credentials and skills required, etc. Each classification falls into at least one established salary schedule, which takes into account such factors as seniority in position or in similar positions, comparison to similar jobs elsewhere in community, cost of living factors, etc. The Manistee Area Public School Board of Education determines matters related to school employees including pay and benefits.

This report requires listing the Superintendent and employees with salaries over $100,0000.

Superintendent Contract
Business Manager Contract
Principal Contract

Section 6 - District Paid Association Dues

Dues and fees paid by our district are limited to professional associations, student associations, or employment associations (labor union dues) on behalf of staff. These memberships provide added opportunities, resources, continuing education, and professional development. These memberships make it possible for our district to conduct business in more efficient ways and result in scholarship opportunities for our students.

List of Association Dues Paid

List of Association Dues 2022-2023

Section 7 - District Paid Lobbying Costs

There were no district paid lobbying costs for 2023-2024

Section 8 - Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit.

Section 9 - District Credit Card Information
Section 10 - Out-of-State Travel Information

There was no out-of-state travel to report in 2020-2021

Section 11 - Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment
Section 12 - Expense Reimbursement Policy
Section 13 - Statement of Reimbursed Expenses