Facilities History

Explore Manistee Area Publics Schools facilities planning history to gain a clear understanding of where we have come from and how to inform consideration for our future.
Reviewing the Last Major Facility Upgrades to the District

Jefferson Elementary Bond approved and new school built.
Jefferson Elementary, built in 1954, no longer serves the needs of our teachers and students. Based upon enrollment and cost projections, modernizing Jefferson comes at a high a cost to benefit ratio, making consolidation a more affordable option.

Madison Elementary Bond approved and new school built.
Madison Elementary was built in 1964, which has served more recently as a collaborative Community Learning Center meeting the diverse needs of our students. It has now been nearly 60 years since our community voted to approve a bond investing in elementary school facilities.

The Maple Street High School (Now Kennedy) Bond was approved and built
In 1967, a well-constructed new high school was built. Has served most recently as an elementary school for grades 3-5, learning in spaces designed for high school students. Our youngest learners and their teachers have been “making do” with the space available for many years.

The 12th Street High School Bond (Now MMHS) was approved and built
In 1999, our community voted to build our current Manistee Middle + High School facility for 9th-12th grades. This building has been consolidated to now include 6th-12th grades and requires some renovation to meet the needs of our younger students.
Our Current Facilities and Grades They Serve

Jefferson Elementary
Built in 1954 for Grades K-6 (Age 5-11)
For the 2022/23 & 2023/24 school years, Jefferson Elementary will serve our Pre-K through 2 grade students, as well as our childcare programming.

Madison Community Learning Center
Built in 1964 for Grades K-6 (Age 5-11)
The Madison building will be home to the Kennedy 3rd through 5th graders for the 2022/23 & 2023/24 school years, while the consolidated elementary school is under construction.

Kennedy Elementary (Formerly MHS)
Built in 1967 for Grades 9-12 (Age 14-18)
Beginning in late 2022, this site will be under construction making way for a modernized, consolidated elementary school appropriately scaled for our young learners.

Manistee Middle+High School
Built in 2003 for Grades 9-12 (Age 14-18)
Today, MMHS serves as our Junior and Senior High School, grades 6-12 (Age 11-18).
A new middle school gym will be constructed, within the scope of the bond, for student and community use.
A deeper dive into our comprehensive facilities history

Need More Information?
Location: 525 Twelfth St, Manistee, MI 49660 | Map
Telephone: 231-723-3521
Central Office Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Superintendent: Ron Stoneman