Manistee Middle + High School

Grades: 6-12 | Manistee Area Public Schools

MIDDLE+HIGH QUICK LINKS  | Nutrition Services : Student Resources : Parent Resources : Forms & Docs.

Manistee Middle/High School Resources

MMHS Resource page is your home for everything needed to support your success as a MMHS Mariner. Don’t see what you are looking for? Just reach out; we are happy to help!

Telephone Inquiry

231- 723-2547

Email Inquiry

Secretary: Karen Beldo 
Student Support: Cecilia Lester
Library: Jennifer Williams

MAPS offers leading edge learning where students grow leading a journey of their own design. At the cutting edge of connected learning, MAPS provides the advantage of Power Learning, one-to-one technology program, to provide every student with the tools necessary to connect with their world and create their own pathway for success.

Academic Guidance

Middle + High School

MAPS Academic Guidance

MAPS provides our students with support and academic resources to guide them on their individualized career paths. We have assembled information and resources to help all students meet their academic and career goals. Reach out to us, share your journey, and craft the pathway to your future.

Follow this link to learn about career guidance, available courses, tutoring support, scholarship opportunities, testing resources, and more.


Student Resources

Middle + High School
MMHS Mission

Welcome to Manistee High School

From our new state-of-the-art facilities, to our academic programs, to our ever increasing list of athletic opportunities, clubs, and activities, Manistee High School is truly emerging as one of the premier high school experiences in the State of Michigan. The staff and administration work hard to provide top quality instruction and extracurricular opportunities for students.

Mission Statement

The mission of Manistee High School is to educate and challenge all students to their highest level of achievement in relevant programs of study while nurturing the development of physical and emotional maturity, social responsibility, and a positive self-image

Points of Pride

  • Our state of the art facility supports excellent curricular and extracurricular programs.
  • The new Community Pool expands curricular and extracurricular programs. Partnering with West Shore Medical Center brings community health and wellness programs to our campus.
  • Every Freshman receives a laptop. We are in the 3rd year of a 4 year plan to implement 1-to-1 computing for all high school students.
  • Our classroom instructional technology facilitates 21st Century methods of learning.
  • Use of a web-based instructional environment which delivers curriculum in a 21st Century format while increasing available resources for students and teachers in and out of school.
  • We utilize Professional Learning Communities to drive and support the implementation of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.

It is the policy of the Manistee Area Public Schools to provide an equal opportunity for all students to learn through the curriculum offered in this district

In Manistee Area Public Schools we want all students to become:

  • Responsible citizens who are ethical, productive members of a global society; take responsibility for their own actions and physical well-being; are environmentally conscious; and contribute their time; energies, and talents for the improvement of their community and the quality of life for all.
  • Effective communicators who posses skills in written, visual, and spoken skills.
  • Self-confident individuals who demonstrate a positive self-image and are caring, sensitive and flexible human beings. Life long learners understand that learning is a process, not an event.


MMHS is an OK2SAY school! This is an anonymous way for students to to let school and law officials know about an unsafe situation in our school. From smoking, vaping, bullying, to weapons – OK2SAY is available statewide for public and private schools in Michigan; anybody can submit a tip. Specially trained technicians receive the tips and filter the information to the appropriate agency to provide a timely and effective response. While we encourage students to come directly to an adult in our building for a situation that needs immediate attention, OK2SAY is a way to get help for students in need.

MMHS Fight Song

MMHS Fight Song

Hail Manistee now we pledge our loyalty;
We’re glad to know you will win the victory.

Rah, Rah, Rah

Fight Blue and Gold; flaunt your colors to the sky;
Hail Manistee loyalty our battle cry.

Rah, Rah, Rah

March Manistee, march to victory today.
March on, March on, we will cheer you in the fray.

Rah, Rah, Rah

You are our team and we’re backing you you’ll see;
Hail Manistee Northern Champs we all agree!


Non-profit global exchange organization Council for Educational Travel USA (CETUSA) is in its high season for interviewing host families who want to share their American pride with teenagers from other countries. Families who would like to open their homes to a cross-cultural experience can host an exchange student who wishes to live with an American host family and attend an American high school for an academic semester or year.

CETUSA students will arrive in August from forty- three countries including Albania. Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria. Canada, the Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam, and more. Students come with their own spending money, medical insurance, and an eagerness to learn what makes our country so great.

By hosting an international student, your family members can become lifelong cultural Iearners who demonstrate open minds and hearts. Join CETUSA in working toward global understanding and peace. Please call your local coordinators Cathy French at (231) 233-3268 for more information.

Host families provide room and board. some local transportation and guidance. Call today and your local Coordinator will telephone or meet with your family to answer any questions you may have. The only commitment you make by calling is the commitment to learn more about this opportunity!

Driver's Education

The following Driver’s Education programs are available to students:

  • Premier Driving Academy
    • Manistee Contact Information
      • email:
      • phone: 231-233-1915

Nutrition Resources

Middle + High School

MAPS Nutrition Program

The Manistee Area Public Schools provides quality nutrition services for all students of our district. Complete information and resources for our nutrition program are available by following the Learn More button. Direct access to our nutrition resources is also provided by clicking any of the direct links below.

Parent Resources

Middle + High School

Non-profit global exchange organization Council for Educational Travel USA (CETUSA) is in its high season for interviewing host families who want to share their American pride with teenagers from other countries. Families who would like to open their homes to a cross-cultural experience can host an exchange student who wishes to live with an American host family and attend an American high school for an academic semester or year.

CETUSA students will arrive in August from forty- three countries including Albania. Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria. Canada, the Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam, and more. Students come with their own spending money, medical insurance, and an eagerness to learn what makes our country so great.

By hosting an international student, your family members can become lifelong cultural Iearners who demonstrate open minds and hearts. Join CETUSA in working toward global understanding and peace. Please call your local coordinators Cathy French at (231) 233-3268 for more information.

Host families provide room and board. some local transportation and guidance. Call today and your local Coordinator will telephone or meet with your family to answer any questions you may have. The only commitment you make by calling is the commitment to learn more about this opportunity!

Home to School Classes/Face to Face

MAPS offers Home to School Classes each Wednesday.  Courses are designed to encourage all area children, including MAPS students, to engage in the public school setting once a week for socialization, learning, and strong parent participation.  Art, Lifetime Activities (gym, aerobics, swim, and introduction to Taekwondo), drama, and choir courses are offered between 8:30am and 2:45pm each Wednesday. For more information, call Julia Raddatz 723-9285.

350 Club

Manistee 350 Club Athletic Boosters

Manistee 350 Club Athletic Boosters is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to preserve, enhance and expand the total interscholastic athletic programs of Manistee High & Middle Schools. The method is to provide assistance to the athletic programs of MAPS, provide volunteer help for athletic events, facilities and programs and to promote attendance at and community support of athletic events. 350 Club general membership is voluntary and all members are welcome to attend meetings but are not restricted in any way to participate in club functions. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please contact any of our current board members:

Mark Sandstedt – President

Jon Adams – Vice President

Stacey Polcyn – Treasurer

Michelle Lindeman – Secretary

Kathy Harrigan – Trustee

Jamie Tabaczka – Trustee

Ryan Helminiak – Trustee

Nick Callesen – Trustee

Forms and Documents

Middle + High School

Get In Touch

Location: 525 Twelfth St., Manistee, MI 49660

Principal: Andy Huber

Telephone: (231) 723-2547
