Adventure Learning

“For the seventh graders, we begin building a stronger bonding process, where students learn to work together and build trust. When they return as eighth graders, they use experiences from the previous years to help with the new challenges this program provides. These skills really carry them through high school.” – Monte Klein, Manistee Middle School Teacher
Manistee Middle School Adventure Learning
MMS Adventure Learning is a series of grade level experiences that provides opportunity for student growth outside the regular classroom. The main focus is the development of key characteristics for future student success in and out of the classroom as well as an appreciation of our area’s natural resources. While the experiential learning activities are often a physical process, the challenges are primarily emotional and social. Students are given both team and individual activities that build self-esteem, a more internalized locus of control and develop the attributes of Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Positive Behavioral Norms, Trust, Collaboration, The Value of Diversity, and Problem Solving. Whatever the activity, experiential methods compress learning time, produce concrete scenarios for people to respond to, are action oriented – and FUN!
MMS AL Funding
All Adventure Learning is funded by student fundraising, student fees, grants, and community donations. Please contact the MMHS office @ 723-2547 in you are interested in contributing to our program.