Jefferson Elementary School

Grades: Childcare - Grade 2 | Manistee Area Public Schools

Welcome to Childcare at Jefferson

Childcare, Pre-K & GSRP

Nurturing our youngest learners as they begin their school experience, we make the classroom experience fun and rewarding. Our practical tools help your student begin on the right foot.

Please Note!

Jefferson Elementary School will be home to MAPS Childcare, Preschool, GSRP, and Kindergarten to Grade 2 for the 2023/24 school year while the consolidated elementary school building is under construction.

GSRP Student on Space day

Your Childcare and Preschool Team

View Childcare, Preschool & GSRP Staff
Childcare, Preschool & GSRP Staff - 231-398-3758

Sandy Ludwig - Pre-School Teacher & After School Program -

Amber Hiipakka - Pre-School Teacher Assistant

Julie Zajac - Daycare Lead

Brittan Manke - Daycare

MAPS Great Start Readiness Program Staff - 231-398-3757

Amy Brown, GSRP Lead Teacher

Renee Turmel, Lead Teacher

Ashley Johnson Classroom Helper

Brenda Struble, GSRP Teacher Assistant

Nancy Zatarga, GSRP

Location: 515 Bryant Avenue Manistee, MI 49660 | Map
Telephone: 231-723-9285
Fax: 231-398-2021
School Office Hours: M-Th: 7:30am – 4pm, Friday 7:30am – 3pm

Administrative Team

Principal: Julia Raddatz –    

Administrative Assistant: Amy Miller –

Registering for Pre-School or Kindergarten Begins Here!

Register Now!

Pre-School Entry

Will your child be (three) 3 years old or (four) 4 years old on September 1, 2024?

If yes, click the button below to share your information to start the registration process for Pre-School.

Kindergarten Entry

Will your child be (five) 5 years old on or before Sept 1, 2024?

If yes, click the button below to share your information to start the registration process for Kindergarten.

Early Childhood program flyer

Your Child’s Journey Begins Here!

At MAPS Early Childhood Learning, Mariner families are afforded the resources necessary to determine the best starting point for their young learners. MAPS offers a variety of programs tailored to the student and family needs.


Commitment to our MAPS family….

It is the policy of the Manistee Area Public Schools to provide an equal opportunity for all students to learn through the curriculum offered in this district.
At Manistee Area Public Schools we want all students to become:
  • Responsible citizens who are ethical, productive members of a global society; take responsibility for their own actions and physical well-being; are environmentally conscious; and contribute their time; energies, and talents for the improvement of their community and the quality of life for all.
  • Effective communicators who posses skills in written, visual, and spoken skills.
  • Self-confident individuals who demonstrate a positive self-image and are caring, sensitive and flexible human beings. Life long learners understand that learning is a process, not an event.

MAPS Preschool

Located at Jefferson Elementary School, MAPS Preschool has been a vital part of Manistee Area Public Schools early learners for over 15 years. Our program has been rated a 4 Star program from the Great Start to Quality rating system.

Our mission allows the children to learn, grow, play, and work at their individual levels all the while getting them ready for Kindergarten.  We are a tuition based program, and our teachers have a combined 35+ years of classroom experience. Children wishing to enroll in our 3 year old program which meets Tuesday/Thursday morning ($115 a month) must be 3 by December 1st, and those entering the 4 year old class Monday/Wednesday/Friday either morning or afternoon ($165 a month) must be 4 by December 1st.

At MAPS, Mariner families are afforded the resources necessary to determine the best starting point for their young learners. MAPS offers a variety of programs tailored to the student and family needs.

If you have any further questions please call 398-3758 or email


Manistee Area Public Schools has teamed up with the Great Start Readiness Program and is now offering FREE four year old preschool to eligible families at Jefferson Elementary School.
The Great Start Readiness Program is a tuition FREE preschool that prepares children for Kindergarten. Eligible students are children of Manistee County who attain the age of 4 by September 1st of the current school year. Our program offers breakfast and lunch, as well as transportation through partnership with Dial-a-Ride. 
Please complete the application on the below of this letter and return it to Jefferson Elementary or Manistee ISD. 

MAPS After School Care Program

MAPS After School Care Program is available at Jefferson Elementary School for MAPS students ages 5 to 12. Transportation to Jefferson from other MAPS district buildings is available. Summer care is also available. For more information please contact: Sandy Ludwig – Pre-School Teacher & After School Program –



Face-to-Face Home School 


MAPS offers Home to School Classes each Wednesday.  Courses are designed to encourage all area children, including MAPS students, to engage in the public school setting once a week for socialization, learning, and strong parent participation.  Art, lifetime activities (gym, aerobics, swim, and introduction to Taekwondo), drama, and choir courses are offered between 9:00am and 2:15pm each Wednesday.