Congratulations to Jack O’Donnell (senior – Scarecrow) and Cady Brown (junior – Dorothy)!
These two students have been nominated by a panel of judges from the Sutton Foster Awards program as outstanding performers in a lead role.
They now have the opportunity to attend audition workshops and perform in a professionally produced showcase performance at Wharton Center (MSU) this spring!
Two nominees from the showcase in Lansing are then nominated to move forward and compete nationally.
How did this happen?
As part of our ongoing mission to provide students with high quality performing arts opportunities and educational advancements, the MAPS FAB and MMHS Theatre Troupe applied this year to be part of the Sutton Foster Awards.
As part of this program, we had a panel of adjudicators attend The Wizard of Oz and provide a professional review. They provided feedback on everything from individual performances to technical elements.
The awards program also has other components, including workshops throughout the school year for students and discounted tickets to professional shows.
Thank you for YOUR support this year, so that we can finance opportunities like this for our kids! Thank you to Ms. Feyen for coordinating the formation of our Thespian Troupe and completing the application work!
*Photo Credit – Broadbent Photography LLC*