Reading Time

Reading Time

Mrs. Wilson’s first grade class is reading along to the Audiobook, “Frog and Toad are Friends.” written and narrated by Arnold Lobel. His or her finger or a witch finger, helps him/her read along with the narrator. The MAPS ATP helped provide a copy of the book to...
Big Feelings

Big Feelings

Here are two important things that Jefferson uses to help regulate emotions. First is our community wall. Every child drew a picture on themselves and put themselves among their classmates. They are able to visualize how they are apart of something bigger and how they...
Books and Breakfast

Books and Breakfast

The 2nd Grade Teachers hosted “Books and Breakfast” today!   Parents came to hear kids read their favorite books, celebrate reading month, and have breakfast together. Exploring books together at home can be almost as important as reading; sharing cooking...


Pictured below is Principal Raddatz meeting with the 2nd Grade Student Action Team.   They brought up the issue of DARES that are sometimes given in a unkind and inappropriate way.   The solution brought forth by the student representatives is coming up with silly and...
Loose Parts

Loose Parts

Here is our Loose Parts Play setup for our preschool group.   What is loose parts play? “The type of play preschoolers engage in dramatically impacts their future cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. Loose parts play, where children can manipulate...